
Thursday, May 27, 2010

(Un)-happiness is...

Oh, the horror...

We are living in the Twilight Zone (possibly reality is actually worse...), all is a mess, and home has become uninhabitable (in parts :) )
Our renovations started last week, and initially we decided to do some small mainly aesthetic changes, but now we are in the throes of a full scale upheaval!
The entire roof is coming off and the lounge is being re-plastered and the floors sanded...

I have tried (with great deals of digging deep within my reserves, I might add), to be brave, calm, optimistic etc, but this week sorely tried my Herculean efforts...

I was sorting out bed linen (all pastels and white I might add), when an unimaginable noise, accompanied by screaming assailed my ears...milliseconds later, I (and needless to say, the immediate environment around me), was overtaken by a volcano sized spewing of dust, soot and goodness only know what (I tell you....if we do not all demise from the plague, after inhaling all that which lived in the roof of our will be a miracle).

As can be seen in the pic above (post event evidence....after a full day of repairs being carried out), one of the workers fell through the ceiling, the poor the process grabbing onto the copper piping in the roof, to break his fall, opening up the plumbing and drenching the floor (and the items in the room , which sadly included a lot of perishables, like books...).

When I looked up from the swirling dust, the poor man was swinging from the copper pipe, water and dust raining down in what surely must be an approximation of the Chicxulub Event...
I was speechless...

So, an emergency call to a plumber, and a day later, you have what is seen above...

I kept telling myself, that this too will end, and that I must be brave and determined...(it didn't work...)

Thankfully, after a bit of a chat with Mr P. (who is a veritable fount of strength in these situations), I felt better, and (dare I say it?), even could smile a little about the incident.
It must be said that this is the second man to have fallen through the ceiling...I shall spare you the details of the previous victim's accident...suffice to say, it was caused by a great deal of stupidity and he was not hurt...

The one thing I am very excited about: the decorating that will follow ♥

I will post pics as the scene unfolds...

I hope to have a tutorial for you all to crochet a Log Cabin Square!

Have a wonderful evening,
Lots of Love
Heidi :)


  1. Oh Heidi that is just awful! Big Hug!

    I had to scrape my project for you and then I was at a stand still - now I am on to something - I haven't forgotten - and I am quite please with my new idea.

    Much love, Nicole

  2. Oh my dear friend:) It is going to look stunning when it is finished:)

  3. OMG .... I think you all need to move in here with us, I'll make space. Living in a renovation really tests your sanity, I hope it gets runs smoothly from now and gets finished quickly.

  4. You should have gotten a picture of that! I'll bet you are laughing about it now!

  5. I know this pain. Except for the man coming through the floor holding on to the plumbing part. That, I hope I never face.

  6. Oh Heidi! it would seem you truely are an optimist :)

  7. So sorry for the upheaval in your home, but just looking at that room (having never seen it before myself), I can SEE the potential. How lovely it will be, and that window is marvelous. Hang in there!! Also, thanks for the log cabin tutorial! Such a fun design to work with.

    (Laughing because my word verification for this comment is "cesspoo")
