
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

No New year's resolutions methinks....

...and so a New Year is upon us...

Quite something folks...we are indeed living in historic times. After all the Mayan apocalypse hysterics, it seems we are to still trudge through the same-as-usual New Year's resolutions quicksand...I can safely say that my enthusiastically envisioned resolutions for 2012 died a quick and (in retrospect) merciful death...
It feels like a lifetime ago that I posted about the great plans I had to do more of this, and more of that, and even get this and the next thing done during 2012...hmmmm...

This year I will not make any New Years Resolutions...instead I think I will try to make an effort to achieve ONE thing a week...a DO-ABLE thing, something non-earth shattering that may be good for me/my family/others...something possibly unnecessary, but if achieved, very satisfying.
Life is so full of surprises and so unpredictable, that achieving even small things could be a big win :)

Are you planning New Years Resolutions? What do you think will make you achieve them?

Perhaps my goal for this week is to finish writing up a pattern I have been working on...a cute and fun knit...

Whatever your take on resolutions, I wish all my blog readers a healthy, blessed and calm 2013...


  1. Happy new year to you and yours and thank you very much for a lovely " blog-year".

  2. I'm glad to see a post from you...had begun to wonder what happened to you! You are always so inspirational. Your idea of keeping the resolutions do-able...great idea....sets you up for successes. Hugs, Annette

  3. I never bother with resolutions and this year is no different. That said I am moving to a new house this weekend and I hope to establish a vegetable garden so that is my resolution!
    xXx Helen

  4. So happy to see you blogging. Happy New Year, may 2013 be a wonderful year.

  5. Happy New Year! So glad to see you blogging again, I have missed your voice.

  6. Hi Heidi!
    I stumbled onto your blog today, and just had to buy your Lollo bear pattern! Now to find the time to make it...
    Seems we have a few things in common - same occupation, living on the East coast of South Africa (well, close to the coast, in Pietermaritzburg), loving all kinds of crafts, etc.
    Will be following your blog with interest from now on.
    Best wishes for 2013!
