Welcome to my Blog!

Hi there, nice to have you visiting! I'm Heidi and this is the blog for Heidi Bears. Here is where I post all the happenings in my work and daily life. Here and there you'll find info on things that have caught my attention as well as the odd tutorial. I hope you enjoy your visits. I love to have feedback, so leave me a comment!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

This day...

Hi my friends....

Today I am grateful for my life...

Sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes unexpected...

But always, blessings run through...
Sleep well...
Lots of Love,
Heidi :)


Linda said...

Beautiful collages my friend:)

Heidi said...

Thank you Linda,
I hope you guys are all better...

K said...

Oh, Heidi = what a lovely family, and a beautiful country. You won my heart with the horse, I'll have you know. I am so much older than you and Linda - all my sweet faces are grown, and two have sweet faces that belong to them, as well. The puzzle is, I'm not sure how I got to be over twenty four???? Because I'm not really. Or maybe all those years of bringing up the kids and seeing the world and learning the hard way how to come at wisdom through the back door - maybe I am older than I think. What strikes me is that you two do not wait for life to bloom for you - you cultivate it. Life and beauty. And it's such a pleasure to know you.

Heidi said...

K, you are so kind! I am so there with you... I am mentally 24 years old, not 40! I look at the years that have passed and as much as I know that they are filled with life, it seems so compressed and short and somehow like a movie trailer... strange, this... (could have something to do with my determination to live in the immediate only?...).I don't know...what I DO know is that I have an insatiable desire for learning, life, experiences etc....My greatest problem is the fear of being bored, so I am always on the go, doing stuff, trying new stuff, learning something new continuously. I think many people will not try something new or different (it can be something as simple as learning to use the internet, changing a fuse in your car, anything really...), because they fear the journey. If you factor fear out of it, then everything is easy :) We have a lovely lady in our knitting group, who always laughs at me when every question she asks me is answered with "It's easy, you just...". What I really mean, is that I WILL make it easy... I guess that has been my greatest lesson in wisdom...I don't know much, but I will learn :)
I have been so taken by your comments, you know...you have a lovely writing style, very natural and warm...K, you should write a children's book! I am serious...I think you have a title somewhere in you my friend...
Have a lovely day!
Love, Heidi :)