Today our knitting group met for our weekly "fix", of knitting, chatting, laughing and eating delicious things... We had a new lady join us today...welcome Nichole, and your gorgeous baby, Jane! We meet in a lovely little shop called Taryn Jean, where you can find the most beautiful items from antiques to modern homeware. It is run by Taryn Jean and her mom Frances...wonderful people, who always make us feel welcome :)
This week I will post a Tutorial on how to knit two fingerless gloves at the same time on one circular needle. I love this technique because you avoid the ever distressing second sock/glove syndrome. As an added bonus, you have the same tension throughout, so each glove/sock looks the same... why do I keep referring to the "sock"as well? Well, because this technique is exactly the same one you would use for knitting two socks at the same time on one circular needle...that's why ;)
First need to know how to cast on...please note: I have not invented this technique...just "tutorialised" it in my own way :)
Tutorial for Casting on for Two Gloves on One Circular Needle
Ok, ready to go? Use a circular needle that is at least 120cm long, and in the size that is required for your gloves. If you have a pattern that you specifically want to knit, adapt your number of required stitches accordingly.
The basic idea is that you will use two balls of yarn (or if you prefer, the two ends of one ball of yarn), to knit two gloves. If you have never knitted gloves before, you might find it easier to have two separate balls of yarn to start's easier to keep your working yarns untangled. working yarn will be used to knit one glove and the second working yarn will knit the second glove...easy! Remember to keep them separate, or you will end up with a weird looking Dr Seuss-kinda Thneed thingamagigy...

You are casting on the stitches for the you are knitting cuff up to fingers. So if your pattern and gauge calls for 64 stitches to be cast on, you will need to cast on 32 stitches onto your marked needle, for glove 1, using the working yarn from ball 1. Don't worry, it will all make sense in a bit...

Slide the stitches for Glove 2 (marked by the heart) towards the middle of your cable, and gently separate them into two halves, pull the cable through. You have effectively divided your "Glove 2" stitches into two halves, as seen above.
You need to cast on the second half of the required stitches for "Glove 1", again onto the same needle you used to cast on throughout. I have found that using a third, straight knitting needle is the easiest way to do this. Take your separate knitting needle, and place it through the last stitch you made for "Glove 1" (this is the last stitch that the working yarn of ball 1 has created). Yarn around needle (just as if you were doing a cast on stitch), pull through, and slip it from the straight needle onto the circular needle you have used for all the casting on. It will be a bit loose and floppy, but pull the working yarn a bit and tighten it. You now have ONE stitch on the other needle. Continue to cast on, until you have 32 stitches on this needle. See the pic above.
The stitches for Glove 1 are complete...half on one needle, half on the other...exactly as for Glove 2.
Remember to use only the working yarn attached to each glove ie DON'T use Ball 1's working yarn to knit Glove 2 and vice versa.

The stitches for Glove 1 are complete...half on one needle, half on the other...exactly as for Glove 2.

The order in which your knitting round 1 will proceed:
Knit half the stitches for Glove 1, using the working yarn from ball 1
Drop this working yarn for Glove 1
Pick up the working yarn from ball 2, and knit the first half of Glove 2
Turn your work around as in normal Magic Loop Knitting
Pick up working yarn 2, and continue knitting the second half of Glove 2's stitches
Drop working yarn 2
Pick up working yarn 1, and knit the second half of Glove 1's stitches
Voila! One round completed :)
Have a wonderful evening folks!
Lots of Love,
Heidi :)
Awesome tutorial my friend! Thank you so much:)
Hello, Thank you for the mention. I had a really nice time and have told everyone about your group (no worries, none are knitters). I would love to take claim to the lovely name Jane, but my little Heffalump is Kate :) Thank you for all being so patient with her crying. Nicole
Oh, Heidi - we have started to put the house back together. I have been doing nothing but carrying thousands of books from one end of it to the other, having to make judgements about what to keep and what not - which is a bit like moving, wouldn't you say? And the dust - oh, yuck. I have been vacuuming ceiling fans and book shelves and chair rails and tables and all manner of things. So I haven't been able to read. But this morning, as I swallowed my breakfast whole, preparing my Sunday School class for the 13 year olds and packing for a three day trip to New Mexico to see my daughter - and, I hope, getting dressed for church before I actually leave to go to it - I have read this tutorial. Very clear. Very intriguing. So many things to try, and so much life to wade through to reach the try-able moments. I will be back Wednesday. A chat with you soon would be fun - and an oasis, I think.
You did a lovely job with this.
I know that this post is older, but I wanted to pop in and say that it was REALLY really helpful for me to learn magic loop + two at a time socks! It was a little tricky at first because my socks are toe-up, but I have the hang of it now and it's all because of your awesome tutorial. Thank you for writing this!
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