Yesterday afternoon was spent in the vegetable garden...depsite me feeling like I have shifted literal tons of weeds, bolted produce, dead leaves etc....it has actually gone quite well, and the first vestiges of organization are becoming evident. I have staked a gazillion tomato plants, tripoded (is that even a word?) all the Crystal lemon cucumbers, tripoded (there it is again!) the baby marrows and squashes, sprayed the mildew with organic spray, planted a few (really, just a few :) ) lettuce seedlings, planted some rhubarb and seed potatoes and generally had a cleanup here and there...
When things are pretty and picturesque again, I'll show you all what things look like...
During my labours, a short rainstorm passed by and left with the most beautiful double rainbow...

Inspired by
AC's post of her lovely dog, I thought I would show some of our lunatic animal...
Flash is a Pitbull, but let me tell you, he is more like a cat in character than anything you're likely to meet of the feline variety! The silly beast has quirks and traits that are so un-Pitbully, it's just not funny! I cannot stand the fact that he wants to be in the house all the time, but of course, the three enablers that live with me, are always persuaded by his big eyed, Puss-in-Boots-Kitty look and let him in whenever he begs...it drives me batty!
He starts whining to be let in as soon as the sun starts showing it's earliest rays, and has to be (repeatedly I might add) booted out by me at night...

The girls spoil this dog to the point of being a celebrity...they are best friends and he is super-protective of them. When the girls and Gerry play around and wrestle and generally mess about, he gets worried that they are being hurt and will nip Gerry and shove his way between them to protect the girls...this is a good thing (especially in South Africa), but the silly beast has also done some apocalyptic things...

A couple of years ago, Gerry bought me a new car (very nice, luxury sedan with a lovely leather interior and all the extras). Flash and his two sisters got into the car one evening(after Nani had accidentally left the door open) and SHREDDED the interior! Yes, everything...EVERYTHING had to be replaced! When I took the car to the dealership for an insurance assessment, he never said a word....he walked around the car several times, and just kept whistling through his teeth...he never bothered to write down anything on his clipboard...
The insurance had to put it down to "vermin activity"... :)

Flash as a young dog could actually climb trees....outside our bedroom we have a huge tree with large and spreading branches. One night I heard a commotion with scratching and whining ...
imagine my face when I saw three pitbulls up in the tree, 5 meters up on the biggest branches that could still support their weight...like I said...more feline than canine!

Flash has little dreaming episodes (at least I think that's what they are...), where he yips and twitches and makes little running motions with his feet. Then he makes a little bark and growl and then yelps...all very funny to watch :)

He has a wool allergy, and so lying on the Persian rugs is a no-no....but of course, where in the world is his favourite place to lie? Yes! Winner-winner-chicken-dinner! ...on the Persian Rugs!!!!!!!
Pitbulls are really amazing dogs...we have always had them and can honestly say that they are smart, gentle, protective and loyal! (even when they eat your doors, cars, shoes, garden tools, Angora Rabbit yarn(!!!), roasted chickens, table legs.....)

This week the girls and I went to see the second Sherlock Holmes offering. All of us are huge Robert Downey Jr groupies (and Jude Law is himself not too shabby ;) ), so we were beside ourselves with anticipation. The first movie was absolutely awesome, and let me tell you....A Game of Shadows was even better!
We get to meet the evil Professor Moriarty, who hatches a new criminal plan of diabolical proportions. The stage of the crime is far larger in this movie, with a global catastrophe in the making. Of course, the sheer awesomeness of RDJ is without doubt...he is as always brilliant!
There is a lot of violence and bombs, guns etc, so it is not a movie for kids who frighten easily. The action scenes are spectacular and the music great (I intend to buy the soundtrack!).
The ending was a real twist-in-your-seat and wring-your-hands kind of ending with a last scene Wow! surprise...all in all, the most enjoyable movie we have seen in ages!
Have a great day folks!
Flash is gorgeous!!!! That face! I can well believe about your car interior ... my mom had a similar problem years ago with a certain ridgeback..... We have two labs (Khyber and Biscuit) who are completely insane. They don't know they're dogs - but that's another story. Loved that rainbow. Your garden is beautiful! Will be going VERY soon to see SH2 - DH and I were huge fans of SH1 and can't wait to see the second one so thanks for the recommendation! xxx
Awwww how gorgeous is your pooch? Love dogs and he has such a sweet face. I am dying to go see Sherlock 2 I have been a huge RDJ fan for many years and he should have had an oscar for Chaplin he was amazing :)
AWWW!!! My head almost exploded from all the cute. Pitties are the best! So sweet (why do they have such a bad rep?). I love the way they all do that thing where they lay with their back legs stretched out like he's doing in that first picture.
Hi Heidi :) :)
Oh, your garden is lovely and that rainbow is so vibrant and colorful :) :)
Your dog, Flash, is a sweetie...so adorable :) :) My Rosie, is a bit of a diva sometimes :) :) She's really quirky too...but she is definitely all dog :)
I haven't seen the Sherlock movies yet. I'm glad you liked the second film.
Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
I thought you might enjoy this story about Stubby - a pit bull American war hero.
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