Welcome to my Blog!
Hi there, nice to have you visiting! I'm Heidi and this is the blog for Heidi Bears. Here is where I post all the happenings in my work and daily life. Here and there you'll find info on things that have caught my attention as well as the odd tutorial. I hope you enjoy your visits. I love to have feedback, so leave me a comment!
Christmas Eve...

Blessed Christmas Eve to all of you who visit here! May your Christmas be happy, peaceful and filled with love from myself , Gerry, Aliki and Emmanuelle!
We are spending tonight with dearest friends and precious family...this is such a special time for our family...we'll open presents and eat a wonderful meal together, but will always hold dear and remember the real meaning of Christmas...the birthday of Jesus...the greatest present of all :)
Thank you...
Love to all of you!
This is really sweet :) :) This looks like a Jim Shore figurine. Am I right? I have a Disney Cinderella from Jim Shore ;) :)
Oh, I have a funny for you: If Adam came before Eve..then before CHristmas Eve is Christmas Adam :) :)
Happy CHRISTmas to you and your family. Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather ;)
Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas too.
Carol xx
Whishing you a Merry Christmas, with lots of joy and love,
grtz Sandra
Hi Heidi :) :)
thanks for this sweet photo :) :) This is a Jim Shore artwork, yes? I showed this to my father. He really likes it, too :) :) Happy CHRISTmas to you and your sweet family :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Merry Christmas Heidi. May you and your family have a day filled with laughter and love.... x
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Feliz Navidad!!
Un augurio grande grande, per un felice Natale ed un sereno nuovo anno.Silvia
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