The dolphins are a regular feature along our bay...you can ususally see them early morning and around 4 in the afternoon. They swim quite close to the breakers, and if you are brave enough, you can either swim amongst them or paddle on your paddleski between them.

Within an hour the mists had disappeared, giving way to a glorious calm, sunny day. Gerry went out to swim early on, and I suspect that the girls will head down as soon as the little potatoes are awake from their late night!

I received a lovely email from Tania (who lives in Russia), sharing her beautiful African Flower Bear (who she has named Martin) with me. I asked if I could post her photos to show you all how adorable the little bear turned out. I really love the colours and the sweet expression! You are so talented Tania, thank you for sharing :)

I have recently discovered Knit Companion for iPad. This is an App available through iTunes, that allows you to set up and organize any PDF based knitting pattern on your iPad. It is a fantastic tool, as you don't need a paper copy at all. You can add row counters, repeats, different sections at a time of your pattern, as well as pictures, charts , lifelines and stitch markers...all on the iPad! Awesome stuff folks! So you only need your needles and yarn and your iPad and you are set to go. They have a very useful video tutorial guide on how to set up everything, so it's easy and user friendly. I cannot recommend this App highly enough :)....and No, I am not paid by them to say these things ;)
The App costs $15.99, but before you balk at the price, let me asure you that I think it is worth every cent! You can download all your Ravelry Patterns and convert them into easy to follow Knit Companion patterns....it's the best knitting App I have ever bought....

Have any of you bought Knit Companion? Let me know what you think!
Dear Heidi*)
Thank you*)
you are beautiful*)))
OH, that lovely bear is so cute :) :) I love the two different shades of pink :) :)
I'll check out that app :) :) I don't have an iPod touch or an iPad...but it's nice to know what the popular apps are...just in case ;) :)
Oh, I live in the central coast of California, near the ocean. We often have seagulls, seals (big fat chubby ones) and sea otters :) :) The otters are the cutest..and sometimes they'll put on a show for you in thewater...with circles in the water ;) :)
Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
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