Welcome to my Blog!
Hi there, nice to have you visiting! I'm Heidi and this is the blog for Heidi Bears. Here is where I post all the happenings in my work and daily life. Here and there you'll find info on things that have caught my attention as well as the odd tutorial. I hope you enjoy your visits. I love to have feedback, so leave me a comment!
Sunday dyeing happiness...

I spent a wonderful Sunday dyeing sock yarn. After an initial dyeing disaster (in which I had forgotten to add some ingredients to my dye bath :( ...) I managed to get exactly the right rich red colour I had wanted. I am working on a pattern for a pair of socks and have the first draft ready for test knitting...whoo hoo! I plan to knit until late...hope I can blog about them next week.
We are a week away from going on holiday! I am hoping that I will have the time to post more frequently...I have been a bad blogger , not getting to post at all in the last few weeks... here's hoping for some blogger time :)
Enjoy your Sunday folks :)
Hi Heidi,
I'm just drooling over those yarn colors :) :) I LOVE yarn, especially sock yarn. It's such an easy project, that is portable, too :) :) Oh, is there a way to subscribe to your blog posts via email? Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Oopss.never mind, I found the email sign-up :) :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)
Whta a great job of dyeing , not even an idea on how to.Nice colors.
Wow that red is stunning! How fantastic to be able to whip up the exact colour you want!! Have a fabulous week - I hope you get lots of time to work on your socks! Can't wait to see them.
Gorgeous results !!!!
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