If you know Gerry at all, this will not come as a surprise to you... :)

Other than that, some goodies arrived this week. Kim Hargreaves is my favourite knitwear designer, I simply love ALL her designs, and it's such a pleasure to browse through Rowan books and magazines, as they are beautifully photographed and put together.

My cashmere yarn arrived as well. The red is a pure cashmere, and is so deliciously soft and squishy, all I want to do is touch it. I am not sure what I should make yet...I have 4 balls of this bright pillarbox red, so I could make something more than just fingerless mittens (which I love to knit...). Any suggestions?

I also ordered some charcoal cashmere for my oldest daughter. Winter is coming soon and I need to make her some fingerless mittens for school. The yarn is also pure cashmere, and I will make a cabled patterned design, I think...

I have already cast on... :)
Have a good evening,
Hi Heidi, so sorry to hear of Gerry's accident, hope he's feeling better soon.
Looks like you got a really good parcel - enjoy :)
1. Love that Cherished cover sweater.
2. Why do men have to crash all the time? My son-i law did something just like this two years ago and now has to explain the plate in his shoulder every time he flies. Please explain to G. for me that people as USEFUL to the world as he is need to take more CARE.
Ooooh that sounds a serious ouch ... also familiar... our neighbour made a jigsaw puzzle of his shoulder blade ....mountain Biking in the Chugach mountains that surround us... he has healed well and relatively quickly so I hope your husband does too!
love the wool ..they both must be really soft and the red looks delicious... mittens are always good ,,or possibly a buttoned cowl ?... it looks like it'll be a pleasure to knit whatever you choose.
All the best Val
Thanks Dana :) Hey! Are you coming to knitting on Wednesday? Can't wait to hear about your lovely holiday...
K,you won't believe the mountain biking stories...Linda's husband also bikes (sometimes Gerry and him ride together), and he has also hurt himself riding...I guess it's an addiction...
Hi Val,
The cashmere is actually recycled yarn or perhaps better phrased...upcycled yarn. It's a a heck of a lot less expensive and just as good...you should have a look, there are quite a few sellers on ETSY that sell upcycled cashmere...
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