Welcome to my Blog!
Hi there, nice to have you visiting! I'm Heidi and this is the blog for Heidi Bears. Here is where I post all the happenings in my work and daily life. Here and there you'll find info on things that have caught my attention as well as the odd tutorial. I hope you enjoy your visits. I love to have feedback, so leave me a comment!
Natural Visitors
Welcome and random visitors....

Wild Coast of South Africa...taken from my balcony.....

Nesting finches...taken from my porch....
Have a good evening :)
Wonderful. From your balcony. When we were in Paris some years ago, we stayed at a small hotel just off the Champs du Mars. Wherever we went, we were in sight of the Eiffel Tower for the first bit of the way. One of the kids got sick after a few days, and the family was staying in rooms with her. I dodged out to run down to the Rue Cler for lunch crepes, and crossed Mars hurriedly as I went. I merely glanced up at the Eiffel Tower. In less than a week, it had ceased to be a wonder to me, and had become simply home landscape.
I found that interesting.
Your landscape includes whales.
I think staying awake to the wonders in your back yard - very important. If we cease to see, we cease also to be grateful, I think. Wonder is something to cultivate and keep alive like a small flame in the hand.
Thank you for showing us this.
Hello, I came over from Ravelry. Your blog is lovely. You have nice view from your window. Here in Wisconsin, USA. It is cold and miserable. Thinking about your view is very nice.
Hi K,
You are so right...the locals who live on the beach in the Wild Coast town where we holiday, say that mostly they don't even go down to the beach anymore.... sad...maybe they should live in Joburg for a week and then re-appreciate the beauty they have on their doorstep...
Hi Mom Walds Place,
Thanks for visting :) Fear not...our summer has been under deluge for months now...one place snow...the other floods...interesting times we live in ...
Hi, I'm a new follower! I must say I'm somewhat jealous of your beautiful views! :)
I have just wandered over from Rav, and I've been checking out your many wonderful tutorials...
But I could not skip over this post without stopping to say: What a beautiful view! You must feel so blessed!
I am very grateful for the beauty in SA... :)
Thank you for visiting ♥
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