Bonjour mes amis!
Happy Tuesday to you all :)
Today, we had lovely weather in SA (at least here where I live :) ), and although there is a definite chill in the air come early evening, the day was sunny and warm for what is already Autumn here... yup!, time certainly flies...I can't believe that we are already in April!!! The little red-headed finches living in our porch light are growing up (I know because their loud, insistent food-demanding is much more grown-up than before), the roses are fading and losing their leaves, and the mornings are darker when I get up to start the day...I am not a winter person, but this year I am determined to try and find something positive instead of negative about winter...I may have to drink hot chocolate every day, make fires every night, and maybe knit a gorgeous cashmere scarf...
I have been so taken by so many projects in the last couple of posts that I have neglected the poor Mystery Toy ! Shame on me...it's been lonely :)
I hope that, (if you are making this project), that it has been clear to you, and that you are managing to follow along...
The next installment, mes amis... :)
Mystery Blocks Tutorial: Sewing Up Part 3
If you look back here, you'll see that the next step is to sew up the orange (or your equivalent colour) rectangles. I have tried to show which seams are joined together, by adding coloured stripes to the edges (just as before)...

Repeat on the other side.
A close-up...
This is what your works should look like now.
Next, sew up the edges shown above, ie the outer orange rectangle edge to the short edges of the yellow rectangles. Repeat on the other side...your toy is slowly but surely coming together :)
Here's how things look now...
Time to add the red squares. These are sewn onto the orange squares (the edges of the orange squares that are farthest away from the blue...)
I have flipped over the red square so that you can see more clearly how it should be placed...remember to sew up with both "right" or "knit" sides together...
All red squares are sewn on...I love how it's beginning to take shape.... :)
Allow the red squares to flop back, purl sides up. This will show you more easily what seams come next. Sew up the edge of the red square indicated by the blue stripe, to the yellow rectangle (you are only using half the yellow rectangles edge...) Repeat on all sides.
All done!
The next step, for today's post.... place the red rectangles over the work as shown above. Sew up the outer edge of the red rectangle (indicated by the blue stripe), to the yellow rectangle (indicated by the red stripe)... Repeat on the other side.
Now turn your work, so that you are looking at it from the short side. Place the light green rectangle into the space between the red squares as shown above. The light green rectangle will be folded in half, with half of the edge being sewn to the orange seams (indicated by the blue stripe), on either side. Repeat for the other end of the toy.

Now sew up the seams as shown above (red squares edge to the edge of the green rectangle). Repeat on the other side of the toy. Well done, you are getting there...

Now sew up the seams as shown above (red squares edge to the edge of the green rectangle). Repeat on the other side of the toy. Well done, you are getting there...
Word of the Day
a noun, meaning: something considered necessary or desirable
A couple of interesting links...I enjoyed reading this (my field...and as I say "knowledge is power"...in fact that has been challeged recently by a lawyer friend of mine..."the application of knowledge is power", is a far better way of phrasing it...), and thoroughly enjoyed this latest post's photographs ( I have always been drawn to these isolated icy places, and their undisturbed beauty...)
See you all tomorrow,
Sleep well,
Lots of Love,
Heidi :)
Heidi :)
it is looking so very cool! when i have finshed the socks, the cardigan and the little vest I am going to start - i thnk my wee girl will love it! I do!
the mystery is STILL mysterious. The field med article was very, very interesting. I don't think I'm made for this kind of urgent decision making/problem solving, though, and don't know how you do it. The shots of Alaska are breathtaking, and actually made me feel cold, just looking at them. What a wide world we have!
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